Zebra Evolution Wikia

The Zebra Shop is only available from Earth and contains purchases for all Zebras that appear on earth (besides Ultimate Beings). There is a second Zebra Shop called Pantheon which is accessible from the Pantheon.

Zebras Cost in Coin Cost in Diamond Available when
Baby Zebra 560 1 Beginning
Adult Zebra 1,570 1 Zeebrush is evolved to
Dolihorn 4,390 2 Tongua is evolved to
Triad 12,290 2 Moody is evolved to
George 34,420 3 Zeella is evolved to
Zeebrush 96,380 3 Seven is evolved to
Tongua 269,860 4 Exxord is evolved to
Moody 755,600 3 Skirty is evolved to
Zeella 2.1 Mi 5 Bae is evolved to
Seven 5.9 Mi 5 Bee & Wu is evolved to
Exxord 16.6 Mi 6 Smila is evolved to
Skirty 46.4 Mi 6 Brozee is evolved to
Bae 130.0 Mi 7 Zaiter is evolved to
Bee & Wu 364.1 Mi 7 Pank is evolved to
Smila 1.0 Bi 8 Ultimate Being LvL 1
Brozee 2.9 Bi 8 Ultimate Being LvL 2
Zaiter 8.0 Bi 9 Ultimate Being LvL 3
Pank 22.4 Bi 9 Ultimate Being LvL 4
Zebras LvL 1 Sun LvL 2 Sun LvL 3 Sun LvL 4 Sun LvL 5 (MAX) Sun
Strydra 1 2 4 6 8
Kyojin 1 3 6 9 12
Zegasus 2 3 6 9 12
Crustae 5 5 10 15 20
Tormentror 8 12 24 36 48
Borboratigris 12 16 32 48